Vinny THE CHIN Scuffo 'The Iguana Gang' Collectible Cast Poster #4
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About the piece
People assume he gets his nickname due to his ugly mug, but the surly Chin is known for taking one heck of a punch. The legend is he's never been knocked down in a fistfight. Vinny Scuffo has what it takes to be a tough guy. Not only does he have more muscles than any 5 guys you know, but his chin is a serious contender for strongest chin in the world. Vinny doesn't need to prove himself by hitting on muscular models at the beach, and he can pound on who tries him. Our very own Vinny Scuffo makes for a great conversation starter and avid collector. He does not mind being handled and is the epitome of a good boy. x7
- Creator share 10%
- File type image/jpeg
- File size 22.58 MB
- Category Digital illustration
- Owner @alexexum
- Blockchain Polygon