Harmonized digital distortion from audio, projection(title/description )
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About the piece
About three songs ago in my creative process, I had noticed that I had picked up on some interesting sound result. The way I observed it, was that I was hearing a beat subtle, different, not obvious, like traditional music. While, finishing my most recent one, (Song/NFT (music single, edition )) on sale, it's more unfinished unrefined and raw form. The same song, the inspiration for a more detailed work, this o I have found out that I was actually capturing distortion, and how it harmonizes in digital music/sounds being played through speakers. This piece of music, shows how I was able to focus that Harmony of the digital distortion to accentuate amplify and also create another rhythm and Melody. Don't let me dissuade you from checking out the music for its quality, for I feel it's the best I've done and have a lot of pride within it, not just describing how digital audio can harmonize with other digital audio physical waveform, air
- Creator share 10%
- File type video/mp4
- File size 23.27 MB
- Category Mixed media
- Owner @d371